Andreas Baumgart
Jever, Germany
Lecturer, Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven

Andreas Baumgart started working with computers as they first came up in the 80s. His first project was the Sinclair ZX 81. His hobby became his profession after studying electrical engineering. Subsequently, he gained experience in leading IT positions in different companies. Particularly noteworthy is the design and construction of IT systems fit for the future and their adaptation to the different needs of the companies (data center construction, introduction of virtualization environments, etc). As a lecturer, he instructed students in Lotus Notes applications and introduced practical and business-related perspectives into the lecture.
Since 2013, Andreas Baumgart has been working at Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven as a lecturer. Here, he uses LEGO Mindstorms Education for his lectures. Together with students from different courses, he realized the production line “papercube”, which is programmed in the context of the lectures and various seminar exercises. The LEGO Mindstorms EV3s are programmed in Java, as this is the programming language primarily taught at Jade Hochschule. This teaching concept is supposed to prepare the students for the corporate world: analyze, structure, and program. In addition to programming skills, a general understanding of the process as well as all individual steps is indispensable. The students also learn teamwork. In 2016, Andreas Baumgart was awarded the Jade University Teaching Award for the special didactic project “papercube”.
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