Marc-André Bazergui
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Small business owner

Marc-André is founder of the ROBOTMAK3RS a Recognized LEGO Online Community (RLOC) and it’s former ambassador. This is the result of many years as the LEGO MINDSTORMS Community Partner (MCP) Ambassador where he worked closely with MINDSTORMS team in Denmark and represented over 40 MCP. Back in 2012 he was also member of the LEGO MINDSTORMS Expert Panel a subgroup of 12 MCPs who help provide design input that led to the creation of the EV3 retail set. Bazmarc, as he is known online, is famous for creating look-alikes of famous pop-culture robots such as R2-D2 and WALL-E.
Marc-André left IBM after 21 years of doing tech support for Power Series servers and is now owner of Le FlagShop in Quebec, specialising in flags and associated hardware. he is also owner and operator of, specilized in custom UV printing on LEGO elements for AFOLs around the world. That said, he has less time avaialbe for making robots but rest assured there is one MINDSTORMS robot working daily greeting customers in his shop.